Juggernaut is a Bipedal Robot with 6 Degrees of Freeedom per leg.
The main intention of building this robot was to mimic human like walking on plane surface without external forces.
The robot is purely designed in a way to use low cost actuators but high precision.
Joints are not backdrivable since each joint movement is done with the help of actuator connected to lead screws and leavers.
Here is a short video of the robot below
This was a small project that I created to automatically water flower pots. The system consists of a small tank which can store upto 1 Liter of water and a submersible pump inside the tank. Submersible Pump is controlled usng a simple relay and ESP32. ESP32 can be used to set timer to water the plants or the apis created by ESP32 web server can be called from externally to trigger the watering of plants.
Smart valve was created mainly to water plants remotly whenever we are not at home. This is useful especially if we are leaving town or whenever we are going on a trip for longer duration. The valve can simply be controled via internet to water your plants. Smart valve is created using a electric valve controlled using ESP32. Using ESP32 the valve can be controlled both using manual switch and also using external integration using apis The Below video demonstrates how the valve is used to water plants
Often times complex remotes are created to control a robot. This was a small demonstration that I had created to showcase how a user in realtime can control robot using his camera. This show how we can use augumented reality (using mobile phone or AR glasses) to control and interact with a robot.
The video shows how I was able to successfully build a hydrophonic tray system to fully grow a healthy lettuce.
This is a simple pottery machine that I had created to create pots.
The main purpose of this camera was to capture the birds that visited my balcony to eat food and water. Using this camera I was able to live stream video remotly. Parts of video containing birds can later be extracted using the captured video. The system consists of chargable battery connected to esp32 camera and costed less than 1000 INR.